Saturday, October 19, 2019

See the document i send you Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

See the document i send you - Essay Example the dining section at the center, filled with 14 eating men, all seated around the table, one serving lady situated between the first and second men on the left hand corner of the back row table and another lady entering from the kitchen at the right side, with a bowl of food cupped in her hands and held just above her chest. The kitchen, situated at the right side of the paining shows two ladies cooking, one facing the viewers and the other’s back revealed. On the left corner of the painting, an entrance to the dining area was depicted with three men in view: the farthest man on the left holding a pail by his right hand, one man standing just outside the door was combing his hair, and another apparently washing his face from a wash tub situated on the outer dining wall. A picture frame of horses is seen on the dining wall, and a kitchen cupboard that contains intricate details of sets of porcelain neatly arranged in panels. The colors and shades of brown, cream, light burgundy provide majority of the paintings hues with the dining room covered in matte light brown daintily printed wall paper. A checkered red and white pattern of the table cloth appears with clothes of the men predominantly blues, gray, offwites shirts tucked in denim overalls. The people were painted in three dimensional representations where viewers could clearly distinguish positions, roundness, proximities and juxtaposition of shapes, objects and forms. All these details contribute to the painters’ intent to manifest a jovial mood provided by a feast through sharing dinner served by women of the region. The backdrop is painted in light hues depicting a day event. The composition was clearly organized with balance manifested in three sections of the painting: the left outside entrance to the dining room (where a barn with two horses appear at the left side most portion), the center of the painting is the focal point – the dining room; and the right side is the kitchen. The left entry to

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